The Guillotine

It was billed as a merciful means of execution.  But it couldn’t have been pleasant waiting around for the blade to fall.

                I hate to say that anything Donald J. Trump might have said could have some validity, an infinite number of monkeys typing might bang out a novel, and a broken clock is right twice a day if it has hands, but “Bring out the guillotine” sounds like a fine idea.  Set it up on The Mall and start from the top, working down to the bottom of the government.  Then it will be up to the People’s Committee who goes next.

                Ex-presidents, ex-senators, judges, law enforcement, the noisy neighbors?  Who are we going to pick for the committee?  We know that our neighbors are a problem, and we certainly can’t trust ourselves.  I know that I can’t trust me, and I don’t want the job.

                Who is going to pull the lever after everybody else is dead?  Death?

                God isn’t a micromanager, Donald J. Trump sure is, and he is more like a broken clock than an infinite number of monkeys, a time piece that has outlived its usefulness.

                Kind of ironic really, if it weren’t for the rat king floating up from the New York real estate sewer, the guillotine would still be gathering dust in a back corner of the museum of the Id. “Monsters, John, monsters from the Id.”

                We are a long way from the People’s Committee, and our government doesn’t use the guillotine as a form of execution.  We didn’t burn witches, we hung them, like merciful Christians with governmental sanction do.  Our governing system has only just touched on what to do with a criminal president in our government in the last fifty years.  When it did touch on it almost fifty years ago, the executive branch pardoned the executive branch.  The judicial branch didn’t even get a crack at it.

                We the people have a bit of time to see if the judicial branch takes its job more seriously this time and if they don’t, we have a bit longer wait if we the people can be trusted with an election.  A large portion of this population may be pro-crime, so long as they are the ones committing the crimes.  The king rats are firmly entrenched in their colonies and the rat bureaucracy slows down the process so that most of the colony is dead before the king is held responsible for their atrocities. The marriage of Heaven and Hell via bureaucracy. It is impossible to keep the crazies out of the bureaucracy. People tend towards bureaucracy, shiftless creatures.

My hope is that the new People’s Committee wouldn’t have the bureaucracy to slow justice down.  We know how screwed up rats and people are, but maybe this time, the people wouldn’t make a rat king.  And if they did, well we do have an overpopulation problem that we can’t figure out, because we are so special.

               There is an image in my head from some old silent film.  It has an old woman knitting in the front row of the crowd watching the executions during the reign of terror.  She is cackling to herself, “Guillotine, guillotine!” She has seen a whole bunch of nasty people in her lifetime and is probably pretty tired of it.  I think that there is a similar character in the movie War of The Worlds, the one from the fifties.  She is selling newspapers and knitting while calling out “Martians outside of Los Angeles”.  She isn’t cackling, but she is working hard at that knitting.  Maybe we should leave our fates up to the germs like Mr. Wells did, we don’t seem to be very good at it. “Guns, tanks, bombs, they’re like toys against them!” as the general said about the Martians in the movie. The law doesn’t do much against invaders either, especially when the invaders are from within.

About johnsmithiiimxiii

John Smith, IIMXIII is the avatar of an award winning poet, artist, etc. who still lives in the Palouse country of the Pacific NW. He has not received much notice with his prose . . . but as his avatar, I hope that he keeps plugging along.

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