Archive | May 2022


TO: All Departments.

FROM: God.

SUBJECT: White people on Earth

DATE: May 15, 2022

I do not know who came up with the idea of changing the melanin levels in people, I have my suspicions, but it was a bad idea.  There are only about six or seven percent so far, yet they have caused a whole bunch of damage. You have until next Monday to present a plan for fixing the problem.

If there is no plan by Monday, management will turn up the radiation from the sun a bit.  That should cut back on the albinism within a generation or two.  They are simple creatures and cannot deal with too many color choices.

Ryan Reynolds

I like Ryan Reynolds as two characters, Hannibal King, Blade Trinity, 2004, and Deadpool in Wolverine Origins, 2009.  I do not know want that says about Ryan Reynolds as a actor, but I know what it says about me.  I am dazzled by the way those two characters talked in the face of adversity. Oh, and they get to kill lots of bad guys.

“I was so much older then, I’m younger than that now.” Besides, I am too old to kill lots of bad guys now, but I am working on bullshit in the face of adversity. There are some real experts out there.

I’ve said it in past work, my heroes all came from comic books, and let’s face it, there are no heroes in the real world, otherwise there would be a slew of bullshiters in the ground by now.

I am going back to comic books.


It crossed my mind today, amid the death, dying, and assholes making life just that much tougher for the small-fry, how is that investigation going with the Russian-interest funds going into the NRA and out to the GOP?


I saw the beekeepers today.

The bees seem to be getting busy.

The beekeepers were in

their beekeeper togs.

I wonder when the beekeepers

started being busy when

the bees were busy?

Or were bees never

busy before beekeepers?

I probably should have stopped

and asked, but since I was busy

when wasps were busy,

I didn’t want to get stung

just yet.


It is much easier to track things in the winter time, but it is cold out there.

Evil Has Triumphed

Pass the E.R.A. and codify dueling in America, the evil that people do has had too much due process.


Sure, I can call somebody a shit stain on the butt of humanity, but they are also running dog imperialist lackeys of the bourgeoisie.

The Rule of Law

I would like to continue to believe in the rule of law, but I don’t think the rule of law believes in itself anymore.

Volcano Day

Don’t people have enough problems without people going out of their way to make more?

Geologic Time

In the Arts, whatever one you have chosen, the acid test is the test of time, and time ladies and gentlemen, is the purview of the gods, whomsoever She, He, It, or They are.