Archive | September 2023

Bread & Circus

Threatening to cut off the bread creates a circus. Sometimes muddy waters are not that deep.

Two pairs of eyes may be better than one. A few billion pairs of eyes overwhelms the processing power of the human brain.

Old Man 809

Some kind of metaphor for Icarus? Or just plain icky?


This is my souvenir from the last federal government shutdown. I believe that one was about money for a fraudulent boarder wall. I am not sure what fraud is being perpetrated this time. It is just another fine example of how government is pretty piss poor at governing. Fraud is not something the Supreme Court considers to be protected by the 1st Amendment right to free speach. (Illinois v. Telemarketing Associates, 2003, United States v. Stevens, 2010, and United States v. Hansen, 2023) Is fraudualant governing a thing?

Don’t Listen To Me

People are nuts. They can’t take care of themselves. They are like every other animal. They live; they die. In between they eat, poop, and make little people. They make a mess. Who’s going to clean it up? They aren’t.

I pray that they are someone’s pets, then, maybe, something will change the newspapers in the bottom of their cage. But you can’t trust what I pray for; I’m a people.


I was watching the TV show Blacklist and Ramond Redington was rambling in the back of a car; it sounded like a quote, and I had to look it up.  I at first thought it was Walt Whitman from the Leaves of Grass, all those leaves of grass on top of graves.  But I was wrong.  It was Oscar Wilde from Canterberry Ghost.

“Death must be so beautiful. To lie in the soft brown earth, with the grasses waving above one’s head, and listen to silence.”

I was binge watching that show and also stumbled across some back ground music Marilyn Manson did.  I still haven’t figured out how to put it on my MP3.

I must have a beautiful brain, because it listens to loud noises in pursuit of that silence.  Tinnitus can drive a person mad. I cannot recall all the times my brain has tried to get me killed. Senility might be a blessing.


There are some people in the United States of America who believe that the U.S. Constitution gives them the green light to be criminals in their pursuit of liberty and happiness.  There are some people who just want to live.  I’m pretty sure some of the guys who wrote the document had their own agendas.  How many of them were screw-heads is still and ongoing discussion.

Autumnal Equinox

The first day of autumn. Winter is coming and that whole shtick. Unless you are on the other side of this world, then it is getting on to Spring. Only the skookum know what is going on in the rest of the universe.

Fat Cats

Kings and queens, princes
and princess’
emperors and empresses.
Robber barons hold
monopolies and monopoless’.
Fortune may favor the bold,
but truth be told,
it just leaves messes.

Moral Logistics

As the president put it to the nations of the world, “Evil can not be trusted.”.  That may be well enough true, but Good does too much soul searching to earn any kind of trustworthiness itself.  In fact, it seems to me that Evil is least trustworthy when it is touting itself as Good.  Good has a hard time getting off when it is pretending to be Evil.  Good and Evil in government need some serious time management analysis. Too much administration and middle management, not enough people out in yellow vests with a grabber and bucket in hand.  Police those butts!  They need some weather, 40 hours a week, and crappy pay for a decade or two.

It Takes a Village

Why does it take so much energy for our culture to bring down just one man? Because it isn’t just one man.

P01135 . . . 778, 763, 778, 732, 765, 766, 781, 804, 832, 823, 828, 826, 821, 824, 754, 735, 803, 780, 809.

“Give them a number, take away their names.”