Archive | October 2023

College Towns

Game Weekend! The RVs wallow into town. The bigwigs have laid out fresh bread and lots of butter. The malting of grains goes a long way for donations as well.

Tiny Problems

I like to believe in quantum entanglement, but the good voices and the bad voices in my head argue back and forth between gnosis and agnosticism, respectively.  Meanwhile, the rubberband ball bounces all over the office.

Deep Trouble

There are Democrats and Republicans, Independants and Libertarians. Then there is the Grand Old Party who have members all across the board. They fight for their right to Party with a creaky old bureaucracy with filiments everywhere.

The dance clubs are on Wall St. and Madison Ave. The ticket office is a PO Box someplace in the Seychells. It is where they keep their trusts and limited liability. The stage band is Culture Clash.


Samhain is coming, time to break out the decorations again.

Being Ghosted

We move across the desert at night, passing through the small oases of light only to disappear into the darkness again.  The past is best left buried.  The present consumes us.  The future is black ink.

Is it possible the Grand Old Party pioneered the concept of delaying responsibility until the guilty are too senile to stand trial?  And when they have finally ghosted us until their death, their bones get buried and lost in the shadows.

The Last Straw?

We won’t know until next season.

Officers Of The Court


Have we reached the high water mark for officers of the court yet?

UPDATE: Looks like he peal guilty and cut a deal. A true officer of the court!

Real Estate


There may be something to the old saying that you should stick to what you know.



Some people just wish that they had the rule of titans. They live on Fantasy Island.



Some people just have to write memos.