Archive | January 2022


Still using coloring for play, or maybe as a trigger for work.

Rock Art

Looking to create a chop.

We shall see.

The Little Things

Reality is relative.

Snow Effects . . .

…in Hobbiton.

February maybe the cruelest month, but we can start getting out of town and looking for dragons.


create wonder in the cavern

of winter’s stock of leftovers drying in

every crack, waiting to be

taken back into the dirt.


Even when you are young, somedays it is hard

to wipe your ass.  It gets harder as you grow older.  Some people

continue to put the toilet paper roll wrong on the stick

so that it is difficult to get it off.

What is worse about people, is when

you share a shithole, some people insist

that it has to be more difficult for everybody.

This is how wars start.

I heard a story once about

two brothers who shared a place.

One brother finally killed

the other because he said

his brother never replaced

the toilet paper.  Somehow,

I do not think it was just

about the bathroom tissue.


The winter is trying to settle in.

Stone & Metal

What a long strange trip it has been.

Big Bird

In the real world, Ted Cruz will never be able to find his way to Sesame Street.

Even my granddaughter who is only 5 years old has looked up at me with big eyes and told me that Big Bird is over 8 feet tall!

Pod People

People will lie, cheat, steal, and even murder to prevent a woman from getting an abortion.  That does not seem very pro-life to me.  It seems more like pro-consumer or pro-foot-soldier because they will lie, cheat, steal, and even murder to make that child just like them.